Leo in the Brazilian magazine a PiauĂ interesting interview with Hany Abu-Assad, Palestinian film director who wrote in his log the completion of the controversial film "Paradise Now." This movie, if someone can not remember, gets into your head and heart of a young couple, which Israel occupied Palestine, they find another way to express their desperation to become men-bombs.
"Paradise Now" was nominated for an Oscar as best foreign film, though, as you can imagine, attracted demonstrations against him, while its director was charged with defending terrorism and the like. Although it is not "The Battle of Algiers" and in general not epic animated by any except the hopelessness of those living in a real ghetto, created by the historic victims of these closed "condominium" designed for humans to second or third category.
Excellent interview with Abu-Assad, made by the actress Fernanda Torres, lets hear first hand the voice of an Arab intellectual who makes sharp reflections on the situation in his village and, in general, humanity , from the new box that was built with the attack on the Twin Towers in 2001. And that, of itself, is not common in the mainstream media.
native of Nazareth, Hani studied aeronautical engineering in Holland, and was very successful in this profession, reaching the 26 years inventing a carbon fiber composite that he patented in his name and is still used today in large airliners to save energy. The fact of living in Nazareth, a city sacred to the Catholic Church to be one in which Jesus grew up, made him and his family should not go into exile like so many Palestinian families.
"Obama is Bush with Vaseline" Man
categorical judgments, has no problem in saying that "Bush is the real face of (North) America. Obama is Bush with Vaseline. " Argues that Communism promises have no chance when compared with the benefits of capitalism. "Communism and capitalism on Earth vying for the post of better socio-political organization. It happens that capitalism is the best earthly reward system that man has invented. Then, the judgmental and eternal life are the only post mortem existing weapons to deal with bourgeois values \u200b\u200bof capital, "he says, without fear of controversy.
"For those who believe in heaven (which is not the case, it is declared atheist), the advantages are tempting: rivers of alcohol, hundreds of virgins waiting to become women and the possibility of sin ad infinitum without being punished. "
How did you become an atheist? The story is funny, his mother caught him in the throes of puberty, devoted to the pleasures of Onan, and struck him in the hands vigorously. He said he never repeated this impure act, otherwise it would burn in the fires of hell. "One night, tormented by hormones, and feeling and the smell of singed eternal damnation, I was taken by a developer thought: What if God does not exist? The idea brought immediate relief and freed the teenager's fault.
Provocative ad nauseam, Hany Abu-Assad states, from the ideological point of view, a former communist ways to become even more radical. As Torres says, in a lucid observation in the note, "talking with Hany is like watching the West on the back."
on the "clash of civilizations", to put it in the Huntington, now faces the West with Islam, its historical explanation is simple: "France and Britain drew up a plan to keep the oil from the Middle East, almost hundred years ago. It's all documented in the Sykes-Picot Treaty, signed on May 16, 1916. The technique used was to divide and conquer. Saudi was beheaded in fictitious countries, which were handed over to rival tribes together. The tribal leaders were declared kings with the same pen used to sign the treaty. Obviously, the rulers remained faithful to the interests of outside, that enthroned in power. In short, we become a powder keg. "
Botox or burka
Another pearl of his statements: "Sometimes I wonder which is more cruel: to wear a veil to cover or be required to appear eternally 20 years. I see a great anxiety in today's independent women. They never reach the ideal of beauty in the magazines print, and suffering with it. " In this logic, according to the filmmaker, the spread of plastic surgery, each Once at an earlier age, the indiscriminate use of botox and all kinds of expensive treatments in an attempt to achieve eternal youth would be more heinous and abominable a burqa.
"Clearly you can always argue that here, ie, in the West, there is a choice. But I find that this freedom is pure fiction. What there is another kind of slavery, "says Abu-Assad, who ends his sentence with a mocking irony:" The burqa should be a boon for ugly women ... "
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