"For there must be ..."," Something will have done ... " Those were the evidence to be raised within the Southern Cone of America when our country was the battlefield of World War III. And Centurions felt obliged to give explanations for his actions reprehensible, disappearances, torture or, at best, sentences without trial.
The demonization of the enemy and, if possible, the complete dehumanization, calling it, for example, "humanoid" was a prelude to physical settlement, since, as we know, had to remove a malignant cancer that corrupted the social body "can not make omelets without breaking eggs" to follow in the line of trying to justify the unjustifiable.
Such thoughts came to my head as I heard the bitter lapse Alberto Cardemil deputy, who, Asked, with regard to the recent death of singer Mercedes Sosa Argentina, why banned at the time, in his capacity as former Assistant Secretary of the Interior of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, Chile's entry into the artist Tucuman, said the reason was their status as principal member of "extreme left."
I said, I imagine, without even blushing, with the naivete of some kind of fundamentalist Chilean right, who does not care at all sail against the tide and good sense.
said Don Albert, who likes to be linked with huasa culture, as it is considered a good defender of our traditions: "We all know Dona Mercedes, who rest in peace, was a political activist linked to the extreme left . Like other artists of the time, we all knew in what began and ended no one knew what "he told the online newspaper Exchange 21, who called to remind her not too distant past of censor.
Cardemil (now independent, although In a few minutes played for National Renewal, the match PiƱera) said the decree was signed at a time when the governing " rather was an authoritarian system (will finally see one of the dignitaries of Pinochet was recognizing that authoritarianism ...!), special rules of law regarding public policy and activities. Neither had political parties, so that was an exceptional situation. "
While saying ignore the reason for the decree in question, applied in 1988, on the eve of the plebiscite where it won the "No" to the perpetuation of the dictatorship of Pinochet, said he was confident that it was fully justified in these terms: If at the time the order was issued, there must be a . Just as the emergency measures were a country, which had been destroyed and undone by the Popular Unity, democracy was restored, we are now. "
Well, I did not tell them?, Which destroyed democracy in Chile and served a dictatorship for almost 16 years were actually undercover Democrats who worked hard within the "belly of the beast"-that is, in heart of the dictatorship to restore the rule of law we enjoy today.
must be very " car'epalo ", in fact, to support arguments like this. But the honorable member, no doubt, has a masters in these matters. Without going any further, suffice it to recall that it was he who, as government spokesman, kept in suspense to the country the evening of October 5, 1988, when, on instructions from dictator, figures were not delivered over the outcome of the plebiscite which had been adverse.
to that in a moment, for higher pressures, some of which came from within the Armed Forces (the case known as Fernando Matthei general, commander of the Air Force) and some from farther north Pinochet was forced to take back foot on his plans to stay in power at all costs, and instructed Cardemil to publicly acknowledge defeat.
That was when our illustrious legislature, our native-Cato who protected us from harmful influences, gave the order to turn the TV channels to stop broadcasting the adventures of Popeye, Road Runner and other cartoons. And appeared, crestfallen, bitter, at about 2 am, before the cameras to point out that in the final count of votes "yes" got 43% of preferences, compared to 55.7% of "No".
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