Leo in El Mercurio, on Saturday, February 13, the "news " I reproduce below in italics, and frankly I do not know whether to laugh or mourn. Endogamy of the ruling elite has reached limits that exceed the imagination. And I get the impression that we have not seen anything yet ...
is, now is not enough to live in the same neighborhood, having been educated in the same schools and then have completed academic training at the Pontifical Catholic University, to to be added some Graduate in any American university. Giving a twist to the nut, are entrepreneurs, according to Economics and Business dean, the only ones who seem to be able to assess, as appropriate, to members of the future cabinet Sebastián Piñera.
what happened, then, with the idea that the administration pineapple should not be an exclusive club of friends ", all or Zapallar Cachagua house, as raised at the time the ineffable analyst Patricio Navia, trying to conditions to put to his new candidate, after learning a cartwheel from the field of marquismo the Coalition for Change?
can see that did not take into account ... Which brings to mind an old Latin saying: "Rome pays respects but not traitors." The can is that the public should continue swallowing respected from now on, despite its outrageous turns of his jacket, his allegedly balanced and objective political analysis in The Third, as the Chilean market information does not, for now, any hint of pluralism . And they can only say in the consolidated media who are pleasing to the employers and the "gerentocracia" on the rise.
That's right: many more can we keep all quiet, as the new spokeswoman for the incoming government, Ena von Baer, \u200b\u200bhas promised that future ministers will resolve any conflict of interest can be generated from their status as civil servants and members of boards of private companies. The "Piñera boys" rejuran swear and now only ensure the public interest.
In fact, Juan Andrés Fontaine will not step on a pharmacy in your life, you do not remember ever been connected with the collusion of the big chains of the item. And the new foreign minister, Alfredo Moreno Charme, publicly break CMR, and will now arrange their costumes Ripley Almacenes Paris, so that no evil thought can not even speculate the idea that the new Chilean foreign policy is intertwined with the destiny of Falabella in Peru and Argentina.
Finally, I propose new possibilities of items that the geniuses of Santa Maria de Manquehue should consider for your guidelines: Sofofa and the Confederation of Production and Trade union leaders qualify on a scale from 1 to 7 (which takes less than 4 is going home ...). Kike Morande, Miguel and "Black" Piñera defined Fondart delivery of new and scholarships Book Council.
After all, if what the country has chosen is to govern the "best" is super consistent y lógico que los que tienen la sartén por el mango (y el mango también…), sean quienes, en un proceso de calificaciones abierto y transparente, le pongan nota a sus empleados más calificados y competentes.
¿Chile país esquina con vista al mar, decía usted, como la legendaria obra del Ictus de los años 70? ¿O un país administrado por sus propios dueños, como los restaurantes de provincia, según el nuevo chiste que circula en Tontilandia?
Como sea, si algún efecto adverso esto puede tener para los propulsores del “cambio” y el giro a la derecha, es que con su soberbia y revanchismo pueden terminar por reeditar aquello que parece ya olvidado en the attic of the past (and what you least want to): the old class struggle, with rich versus poor, from hateful displays absolute power in which the majority of Chileans, who was not born with silver spoons in, feel discriminated against and excluded.
50 entrepreneurs and executives note placed six to economic Cabinet Piñera
The criterion on which the ministers, as a whole, get their best score is in "technical", where they managed to note 6.5 . Respondents stress the magnitude of the duo Felipe Larrain (Finance) and Juan Andrés Fontaine (Economics).
Economics and Business Equipment
Left a positive impression for the private business the economic cabinet appointment, starting March 11 next, will lead the reform process in this area, which is the backbone of the program of President-elect, Sebastián Piñera. Economics and Business
surveyed 50 business owners, executives and directors of various items of the Chilean economy, ask what grade would you place the new cabinet as a whole in five criteria: technical capability, "" political skills "," experience " "bargaining" and "management capability." The result? On average, seven ministers enter the administration area note with an average of six. Ecom
Cabinet was consulted by which includes holdings of Treasury (a position he will occupy Felipe Larraín), Economics (Juan Andres Fontaine), Labor (Camila Merino), Energy (Ricardo Raineri), Mining (Laurence Golborne), Mideplan ( Felipe Kast) and Agriculture (José Antonio Galilea).
The best and worst
The criterion best evaluated by entrepreneurs and executives, with an average of 6.5 - was "technical," even with several individual scores a 7. In 'capacity to manage the note reaches 6.4, the second criterion being praised.
By contrast, evaluation is lower political capacity, which reaches only 5.4. Below the average rating is also the criterion "experience" (5.8).
addition, private style include "executive" Piñera administration, which itself adds to the impression of the president-elect.
"There are many people working in the new government they want to do the right thing. I think it is essential to strengthen public-private work, which I think will be elected cabinet," poses one of the respondents.
"I think it's a real cabinet of excellence," said a senior executive of the energy sector.
There are also voices of dissent. One of the businesses simply was not satisfied with the appointments in Mining (Laurence Golborne) and energy (Ricardo Raineri) because, in his opinion, these are people who have not demonstrated a capacity for negotiation and that can pesarles.
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