For those who do not like football, World Cup is a tragic time ... All the issues seem subordinated to what is happening today in South Africa. Scenario of a kind of globalized Great Roman Circus, where gladiators from all over the arbitrate world supremacy to a universal audience watches spellbound from every corner of the Earth.
I must confess, first of all, I am one more in the middle of the crowd that almost exclusively fixed tuning of their attention on this event, and is absent from the rest of the everyday concerns of the duration of the dispute, along with devotion parties who otherwise would care a damn, like Japan, Cameroon and New Zealand, Slovakia.
But made this confession, I would add that my state of alienation does not stop me having enough insight to realize the virtual pariah status to which these days are reduced by those who do not like football. Ie those who are not doing them or the situation is left isqueotibial Suazo or mischief of Jabulani, the elusive ball that has become the terror of the goalkeepers.
A good friend of mine, Brazilian journalist and writer Sergio Leo, has said it better than anyone, I think, the sense of strangeness and alienation that surrounds those who remain immune to the allure of the "ball" and the siren call the unbearable vuvuzelas.
Leo wrote in his blog, posting a great entitled "When, in the end, just this Cup?" Which during this period feels something like "a citizen of a country become atheist fundamentalism." He adds: "The TV stations repeatedly summon the faithful to prayer, friends previously treated you kindly pass to condemn cheating your comments, your social life is threatened by the inability to follow the ceremonies and rituals that everyone expects you to follow ". Brazil
even debuts, adds immediately afterwards, and "as in the coverage of presidential trips or meetings of the WTO, I'm tired with the preparations. I swelled patience, and hope fervently that's all over then. Although I dare say that in public, for fear flogging, stoning and crucifixion in the courtyard of the temple, to serve as an example to other sacrilegious. "
must admit that Leo is very bold and courageous, because those things in the country of the world Hexacampeón applicants can cost you dearly. The less a friend you can remove the other one I can greet or acknowledge an apostate and traitor to the "green amarela" given their reckless and unpatriotic views. That's why we offer apologies in advance and pleading: "Do not want bad the blogger, have pity on him and his private hell," knowing that "I will be excommunicated who read the text until the end."
For my part, do not subscribe to his contempt for the most popular sport that is expanding slowly but steadily in all directions, because I think that at this point only Canadians (heretics of soccer, but hockey fans without fuss on ice ...) and some tribes Eskimos losses remain undaunted by the noise of the first World Cup held in Africa.
But I do feel solidarity with their opposition to media paraphernalia surrounding the sports event itself, which at this point seems to be the least important of all, at least for the media. Do not take any more special envoys or correspondents hand encouraging a friendly group of South Africans to sing for the umpteenth time "ceacheí, chi, ele é, le ", believing the sea of \u200b\u200boriginal and creative.
not resist the dispatches more aware of how clever porters manage to survive in Johannesburg or Nelspruit, making pies baking or selling T-shirts and trinkets of the most diverse species in order to meet this kind of pilgrimage to Mecca that is to follow the "Red" where she goes.
One thing is the enthusiasm mundialero, it is legitimate for any fan, and another thing is foolishness in the extreme. One parishioner, for example, signed the shirt proudly displays the "Pacifier" or "Mago" Valdivia, and states that from now will not wash anymore, with the same fanaticism with which a pilgrim to the Holy Land would have bowed before the Holy Grail.
Finally, as the teacher said Fabregat, issue of Humor in Argentina: "Human intelligence is limited, but stupidity has no limits ..." And yet we still have the story of unspeakable Carcuro, more steeped in chauvinism burning, when the team led by Marcelo Bielsa made their entry into the grass of the stadium will debut in a few hours, before the eleventh of Honduras.
then, hopefully, I take refuge in Directv, if God and the satellite link will allow me, looking away the proclamations and the one-dimensional burning fanaticism.
And eye ... Please do not see this typical of intellectual elitism always try to walk counter to the masses, not contaminated with the herd. The great Leo says it better than me, so I give the floor to finish with its concepts, which could not express more fitting:
"I understand, of course, the beauty of the thing, the ballet players in the field, the stories of physical and social improvement: the example of young people coming out of poor communities transformed into global idols (and source of income for girls artful ...) I understand the pleasure of participating a collective enthusiasm ... but the agony and the hysteria of the Mujahideen of yellow-green shirt, screaming for their country of chuteadores, was excommunicated from the church as a kid ... "So
, football itself, until then accompanied the thing. But never Shiite. So do not expect to see my name on the list of brainless announcing to the winds, and on Twitter or Facebook, for the avoidance of doubt, which is undressed in the Plaza Italia, if Chile reached the final of World Cup. Or they pay all their demands they fundamentally global demand ...
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