Thursday, January 21, 2010

好きだ Free Shpiing

Chile, a country rarely

Chile is a very strange country. I have to admit. And do not tell me what the facts say ...

the Coalition of Parties for Democracy said it was dangerous to public ethics and good sense at least one candidate for President, he was finally triumphant in the recent elections, Sebastian Piñera, did not make a clear separation between politics and business.

A Chilean voters apparently do not care, and gave him a victory, not too loose, but victory at last, with 51.6% of the vote against 48.4% of Eduardo Frei.

Result: in just three days, the investor group's shares Pinera, called Axxion, rose 102 percent in the Santiago Stock Exchange. And continue to grow, which means that this speculative movement Piñera recover all that invested in his campaign and shall, moreover, with huge profits in your pocket.

But all indications are that this Chileans have little interest, as the Italians also do not care as a magnate Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister.

The conservative vulgata always said that a vote for the rich, because as they already have money do not have any need to steal. Slogan that gives your head against the fact that the powerful never feel that their power is enough, and seek accumulate more and more.

Chile is very strange.

If you see play his football team, you discover that the players are called Christopher, Hans, Mark and Charles, but their names are not generally correspond with their names, but are Martinez, Gonzalez, Soto or stale Aranguiz ... Surname English ancestry mixed in genetics, the original fruit of long and narrow strip of land: the forgotten Indians, who are trying ningunear as possible.

Chile is very strange. Let's face it.

More than 20 years after the end of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, one of the programs televisivos con mayor audiencia, en la señal abierta, es “Pelotón”, donde un grupo de famosillos es sometido a una rígida disciplina militar, con el fin de foguear su temple en el más puro espíritu espartano. Programa que, por otra parte, da de comer a otros cuantos programas más, de corte farandulero, en los que se analiza y comenta el reality show en todos sus pormenores.

Chile es un país raro. De verdad.

El canal 13, por ejemplo, que se supone es de propiedad de la Iglesia Católica, institución a la que se podría imaginar como guiada por intereses menos subalternos que los económicos, acaba de despedir a su directora ejecutiva, Mercedes Ducci. La razón: the channel has low ratings, and that scares the warning to flee for better opportunities.

not matter at all that this channel-usually nothing more traditional and more resistant to changes, has been able to issue a miniseries as "The 80", a fairly decent imitation of English "Remember when ..." with the difference that while it reviewed the last years of Franco, in domestic production examines the vicissitudes of a typical middle-class Chilean family drop in waning years of Pinochet.

signal output Ducci is clear: what matters to the administration de UCTV es tener televisores encendidos y sintonizados en su emisora, no importa el precio que les demande conseguirlo.

Televisión Nacional, que, por otra parte, vendría a ser un canal público (o al menos eso es lo que se supone…), ya entendió muy bien la lógica del mercado en que se mueve. Y hace rato desistió de hacer programas que intenten hacer reflexionar a la gente.

Su parrilla ahora está compuesta por programas como “Pelotón”, donde el “gancho” para el público son las duchas diarias de las estrellitas que compiten por sus quince minutos de fama. O los meneos de culo. Así como los arrumacos entre los participantes, arriba o debajo de las sábanas.

Chile is really strange.

There is a lady, Anita Alvarado, who made his living in Japan, as she herself admits, putting the world's oldest profession.

Well, this lady, who gained notoriety when a Japanese politician cheated that was as corrupt lover, you know, who robs a thief, a hundred years of pardon ... - he returned to Chile wealthy and triumphant such as "spears" international, other heroes of the Chilean popular imagination. It was erected as a national personality and tabloid newspapers in the conservative press. Illustrating, at clear, by example, the double standard that encouraged, in general, the right-wing press in the world, when it suits him.

They named it "The Chilean Geisha", and gave him a microphone and a sounding board for his sayings, which has since moved into the headlines. Now it's one more inside the court varied the entertainment. And even one of his daughters came to this modest Olympus through its participation in one of those crazy reality shows that the respectable public. Poor

Anita Alvarado ...! Had to do with their own eyes, because of a candid camera, his little girl making the rounds with a "recruit." And another was left to mourn seas, confessing that she had been fucking her daughter just to never be ...

few days ago about the victory pineapple, "The Geisha" talked about politics, adding to the euphoria half plus one of Chile supported the Pinochet right now transvestite in democracy. And in explaining his support for the candidate businessman said something that was more revealing than twenty brainy analysis of political scientists with postgraduate degrees from Harvard.

said that in its population, as a child, there was the quiet thanks to the dictatorship. The narcos went invisible, and nobody dared to behave wrong, because if you fell on the heavy hand of law enforcement officers. Stating this

made it clear that ladies sometimes angry life are the defenders of the established order perfect. But also made clear that more than 20 years of missing the "military regime, Chilean, and there are still quite a few-who long iron hand of the generals and that they resist tooth and nail, disorder and rampant corruption that brought democracy.


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