awoke with a start in the middle of the night, still dragging his memory the monstrous image that had filled his dream. Reminiscent of a cat-headed man (or a cat man's body) ready to attack. He shook his head to ward off this image and then settled back in his cage, purring just to be sure who it was and ignore the eyes that scrutinized through the darkness.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Brownie Cookie Sale Number Bar Patches
A little girl went to another clearly more slender and tall, and asked him why his parents and siblings insisted say that there was, it was just an imaginary friend.
"I do not come again with your family. I told you that they're only in your mind, "said the highest.
"Okay," replied the little hesitantly, looking at his hands, as if in this way could prevent fade.
"I do not come again with your family. I told you that they're only in your mind, "said the highest.
"Okay," replied the little hesitantly, looking at his hands, as if in this way could prevent fade.
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Poptropica Hidden Costumes 2010
After 25 years together, and arrived at 40, Carmen and I look closely and recognize gestures and expressions in us that we had before, or were hidden somewhere. Gestures and expressions, also belonging to our respective parents and that has always touched to see.
Now we are our parents.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
好きだ Free Shpiing
Chile, a country rarely
Chile is a very strange country. I have to admit. And do not tell me what the facts say ...
the Coalition of Parties for Democracy said it was dangerous to public ethics and good sense at least one candidate for President, he was finally triumphant in the recent elections, Sebastian Piñera, did not make a clear separation between politics and business.
A Chilean voters apparently do not care, and gave him a victory, not too loose, but victory at last, with 51.6% of the vote against 48.4% of Eduardo Frei.
Result: in just three days, the investor group's shares Pinera, called Axxion, rose 102 percent in the Santiago Stock Exchange. And continue to grow, which means that this speculative movement Piñera recover all that invested in his campaign and shall, moreover, with huge profits in your pocket.
But all indications are that this Chileans have little interest, as the Italians also do not care as a magnate Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister.
The conservative vulgata always said that a vote for the rich, because as they already have money do not have any need to steal. Slogan that gives your head against the fact that the powerful never feel that their power is enough, and seek accumulate more and more.
Chile is very strange.
If you see play his football team, you discover that the players are called Christopher, Hans, Mark and Charles, but their names are not generally correspond with their names, but are Martinez, Gonzalez, Soto or stale Aranguiz ... Surname English ancestry mixed in genetics, the original fruit of long and narrow strip of land: the forgotten Indians, who are trying ningunear as possible.
Chile is very strange. Let's face it.
More than 20 years after the end of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, one of the programs televisivos con mayor audiencia, en la señal abierta, es “Pelotón”, donde un grupo de famosillos es sometido a una rígida disciplina militar, con el fin de foguear su temple en el más puro espíritu espartano. Programa que, por otra parte, da de comer a otros cuantos programas más, de corte farandulero, en los que se analiza y comenta el reality show en todos sus pormenores.
Chile es un país raro. De verdad.
El canal 13, por ejemplo, que se supone es de propiedad de la Iglesia Católica, institución a la que se podría imaginar como guiada por intereses menos subalternos que los económicos, acaba de despedir a su directora ejecutiva, Mercedes Ducci. La razón: the channel has low ratings, and that scares the warning to flee for better opportunities.
not matter at all that this channel-usually nothing more traditional and more resistant to changes, has been able to issue a miniseries as "The 80", a fairly decent imitation of English "Remember when ..." with the difference that while it reviewed the last years of Franco, in domestic production examines the vicissitudes of a typical middle-class Chilean family drop in waning years of Pinochet.
signal output Ducci is clear: what matters to the administration de UCTV es tener televisores encendidos y sintonizados en su emisora, no importa el precio que les demande conseguirlo.
Televisión Nacional, que, por otra parte, vendría a ser un canal público (o al menos eso es lo que se supone…), ya entendió muy bien la lógica del mercado en que se mueve. Y hace rato desistió de hacer programas que intenten hacer reflexionar a la gente.
Su parrilla ahora está compuesta por programas como “Pelotón”, donde el “gancho” para el público son las duchas diarias de las estrellitas que compiten por sus quince minutos de fama. O los meneos de culo. Así como los arrumacos entre los participantes, arriba o debajo de las sábanas.
Chile is really strange.
There is a lady, Anita Alvarado, who made his living in Japan, as she herself admits, putting the world's oldest profession.
Well, this lady, who gained notoriety when a Japanese politician cheated that was as corrupt lover, you know, who robs a thief, a hundred years of pardon ... - he returned to Chile wealthy and triumphant such as "spears" international, other heroes of the Chilean popular imagination. It was erected as a national personality and tabloid newspapers in the conservative press. Illustrating, at clear, by example, the double standard that encouraged, in general, the right-wing press in the world, when it suits him.
They named it "The Chilean Geisha", and gave him a microphone and a sounding board for his sayings, which has since moved into the headlines. Now it's one more inside the court varied the entertainment. And even one of his daughters came to this modest Olympus through its participation in one of those crazy reality shows that the respectable public. Poor
Anita Alvarado ...! Had to do with their own eyes, because of a candid camera, his little girl making the rounds with a "recruit." And another was left to mourn seas, confessing that she had been fucking her daughter just to never be ...
few days ago about the victory pineapple, "The Geisha" talked about politics, adding to the euphoria half plus one of Chile supported the Pinochet right now transvestite in democracy. And in explaining his support for the candidate businessman said something that was more revealing than twenty brainy analysis of political scientists with postgraduate degrees from Harvard.
said that in its population, as a child, there was the quiet thanks to the dictatorship. The narcos went invisible, and nobody dared to behave wrong, because if you fell on the heavy hand of law enforcement officers. Stating this
made it clear that ladies sometimes angry life are the defenders of the established order perfect. But also made clear that more than 20 years of missing the "military regime, Chilean, and there are still quite a few-who long iron hand of the generals and that they resist tooth and nail, disorder and rampant corruption that brought democracy.
Chile is a very strange country. I have to admit. And do not tell me what the facts say ...
the Coalition of Parties for Democracy said it was dangerous to public ethics and good sense at least one candidate for President, he was finally triumphant in the recent elections, Sebastian Piñera, did not make a clear separation between politics and business.
A Chilean voters apparently do not care, and gave him a victory, not too loose, but victory at last, with 51.6% of the vote against 48.4% of Eduardo Frei.
Result: in just three days, the investor group's shares Pinera, called Axxion, rose 102 percent in the Santiago Stock Exchange. And continue to grow, which means that this speculative movement Piñera recover all that invested in his campaign and shall, moreover, with huge profits in your pocket.
But all indications are that this Chileans have little interest, as the Italians also do not care as a magnate Silvio Berlusconi as prime minister.
The conservative vulgata always said that a vote for the rich, because as they already have money do not have any need to steal. Slogan that gives your head against the fact that the powerful never feel that their power is enough, and seek accumulate more and more.
Chile is very strange.
If you see play his football team, you discover that the players are called Christopher, Hans, Mark and Charles, but their names are not generally correspond with their names, but are Martinez, Gonzalez, Soto or stale Aranguiz ... Surname English ancestry mixed in genetics, the original fruit of long and narrow strip of land: the forgotten Indians, who are trying ningunear as possible.
Chile is very strange. Let's face it.
More than 20 years after the end of the dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, one of the programs televisivos con mayor audiencia, en la señal abierta, es “Pelotón”, donde un grupo de famosillos es sometido a una rígida disciplina militar, con el fin de foguear su temple en el más puro espíritu espartano. Programa que, por otra parte, da de comer a otros cuantos programas más, de corte farandulero, en los que se analiza y comenta el reality show en todos sus pormenores.
Chile es un país raro. De verdad.
El canal 13, por ejemplo, que se supone es de propiedad de la Iglesia Católica, institución a la que se podría imaginar como guiada por intereses menos subalternos que los económicos, acaba de despedir a su directora ejecutiva, Mercedes Ducci. La razón: the channel has low ratings, and that scares the warning to flee for better opportunities.
not matter at all that this channel-usually nothing more traditional and more resistant to changes, has been able to issue a miniseries as "The 80", a fairly decent imitation of English "Remember when ..." with the difference that while it reviewed the last years of Franco, in domestic production examines the vicissitudes of a typical middle-class Chilean family drop in waning years of Pinochet.
signal output Ducci is clear: what matters to the administration de UCTV es tener televisores encendidos y sintonizados en su emisora, no importa el precio que les demande conseguirlo.
Televisión Nacional, que, por otra parte, vendría a ser un canal público (o al menos eso es lo que se supone…), ya entendió muy bien la lógica del mercado en que se mueve. Y hace rato desistió de hacer programas que intenten hacer reflexionar a la gente.
Su parrilla ahora está compuesta por programas como “Pelotón”, donde el “gancho” para el público son las duchas diarias de las estrellitas que compiten por sus quince minutos de fama. O los meneos de culo. Así como los arrumacos entre los participantes, arriba o debajo de las sábanas.
Chile is really strange.
There is a lady, Anita Alvarado, who made his living in Japan, as she herself admits, putting the world's oldest profession.
Well, this lady, who gained notoriety when a Japanese politician cheated that was as corrupt lover, you know, who robs a thief, a hundred years of pardon ... - he returned to Chile wealthy and triumphant such as "spears" international, other heroes of the Chilean popular imagination. It was erected as a national personality and tabloid newspapers in the conservative press. Illustrating, at clear, by example, the double standard that encouraged, in general, the right-wing press in the world, when it suits him.
They named it "The Chilean Geisha", and gave him a microphone and a sounding board for his sayings, which has since moved into the headlines. Now it's one more inside the court varied the entertainment. And even one of his daughters came to this modest Olympus through its participation in one of those crazy reality shows that the respectable public. Poor
Anita Alvarado ...! Had to do with their own eyes, because of a candid camera, his little girl making the rounds with a "recruit." And another was left to mourn seas, confessing that she had been fucking her daughter just to never be ...
few days ago about the victory pineapple, "The Geisha" talked about politics, adding to the euphoria half plus one of Chile supported the Pinochet right now transvestite in democracy. And in explaining his support for the candidate businessman said something that was more revealing than twenty brainy analysis of political scientists with postgraduate degrees from Harvard.
said that in its population, as a child, there was the quiet thanks to the dictatorship. The narcos went invisible, and nobody dared to behave wrong, because if you fell on the heavy hand of law enforcement officers. Stating this
made it clear that ladies sometimes angry life are the defenders of the established order perfect. But also made clear that more than 20 years of missing the "military regime, Chilean, and there are still quite a few-who long iron hand of the generals and that they resist tooth and nail, disorder and rampant corruption that brought democracy.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Who Is Wearing Girdles And Stockings
Million Friends A museum
If there is a look at the media lot or on Hispanic resonance in the middle, you understand magazines, supplements, blogs that are part of the magazines or newspapers., We see that, as far as literature concerns, there is no controversy among the writers under fifty. Accurate: Yes there are, in the case of clashes between writers from the same country. It comes to mind occurred in Argentina between Damian and Guillermo Martínez-Tabarovsky actually involves many more-recent or purpose of a review of Patrick Pron. I could mention the case of Peru and mind controversy between "natives" and "Andean" (can not remember who said that he detested the use of these quotes "Fuck-), but escapes my generational framework, as most of those who fought because they had been doing for a lifetime. Actually I mean the absence of discussions between writers of different nationalities. Eye do not ask fights and insults among writers. So do not get anywhere. I'm talking about ideas, which means that does not break a friendship, if any, with whom polemic. If anyone can be, and are, friends, great. But it's my attention that there is only friendship. Does this century has filled us with kindness? Will the old song Roberto Carlos, que curiosamente escuchábamos de pequeños, al fin se hizo carne? No se puede negar que todo esto es muy sospechoso. Si tentamos algunas respuestas, quizás podamos decir que hemos llegado a tal grado de individualismo, que éste nos permite avivar amistades (y amores), pero no confrontar ideas más allá de nuestras fronteras. Es decir, muy en el fondo probablemente no nos interesa gran cosa qué pasa fuera de nuestra casa, de nosotros mismos. Conocer al vecino, saludarlo a diario, no nos hace verdaderos amigos. Sin ir muy lejos, echen una mirada a su lista de “amigos” en facebook. Lo otro es que tengamos muy en claro las ideas sobre la literatura y América latina, y estemos todos de acuerdo, pero I do not think that is the case. It may also be that nobody wants to argue because there is simply not sustainable any idea or proposal worth putting in debate. But I do not think that this alternative is the answer. Finally, until you contemplate other possibilities may be that the debates are no longer in these mainstream media, which have been diluted coffee chats in bars, in university classrooms, in private emails, etc. Someone might say that the space now for these purposes are blogs of anonymous and well known. Maybe, but I think that way, like shots from different trenches, can make us lose sight of who and why discussion. For that, I million stay with my friends.
If there is a look at the media lot or on Hispanic resonance in the middle, you understand magazines, supplements, blogs that are part of the magazines or newspapers., We see that, as far as literature concerns, there is no controversy among the writers under fifty. Accurate: Yes there are, in the case of clashes between writers from the same country. It comes to mind occurred in Argentina between Damian and Guillermo Martínez-Tabarovsky actually involves many more-recent or purpose of a review of Patrick Pron. I could mention the case of Peru and mind controversy between "natives" and "Andean" (can not remember who said that he detested the use of these quotes "Fuck-), but escapes my generational framework, as most of those who fought because they had been doing for a lifetime. Actually I mean the absence of discussions between writers of different nationalities. Eye do not ask fights and insults among writers. So do not get anywhere. I'm talking about ideas, which means that does not break a friendship, if any, with whom polemic. If anyone can be, and are, friends, great. But it's my attention that there is only friendship. Does this century has filled us with kindness? Will the old song Roberto Carlos, que curiosamente escuchábamos de pequeños, al fin se hizo carne? No se puede negar que todo esto es muy sospechoso. Si tentamos algunas respuestas, quizás podamos decir que hemos llegado a tal grado de individualismo, que éste nos permite avivar amistades (y amores), pero no confrontar ideas más allá de nuestras fronteras. Es decir, muy en el fondo probablemente no nos interesa gran cosa qué pasa fuera de nuestra casa, de nosotros mismos. Conocer al vecino, saludarlo a diario, no nos hace verdaderos amigos. Sin ir muy lejos, echen una mirada a su lista de “amigos” en facebook. Lo otro es que tengamos muy en claro las ideas sobre la literatura y América latina, y estemos todos de acuerdo, pero I do not think that is the case. It may also be that nobody wants to argue because there is simply not sustainable any idea or proposal worth putting in debate. But I do not think that this alternative is the answer. Finally, until you contemplate other possibilities may be that the debates are no longer in these mainstream media, which have been diluted coffee chats in bars, in university classrooms, in private emails, etc. Someone might say that the space now for these purposes are blogs of anonymous and well known. Maybe, but I think that way, like shots from different trenches, can make us lose sight of who and why discussion. For that, I million stay with my friends.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Great Singles Resorts
What if you aguamos the party right? Small
If there is something which has been successful so far, pineapple command strategy for the runoff election January 17 is to install the image of a horse winning, advancing, unstoppable, to the goal. Because of this feeling of victory is that the right-wingers go through life happy, smiling from ear to ear, humming the jingle made version of " I mean, I love you " Quique Villanueva.
At first, of course, the accounts were not very happy. Or was it sweet and sour grapes, to qualify things.
is true that fourteen point lead in the runoff, the closest competitor represents a considerable difference. But it is also true that if you add up the votes of the three candidates who escorted Piñera (which are from the same ideological matrix in the broadest sense), it far exceeds ─ ─ 55.9% against the 44.05 percent achieved for the candidate of the Alliance, now renamed the Coalition for Change.
Now it is obvious that he could not pass the full flow rate obtained by Marco Enríquez-Ominami Eduardo Frei, as people in his command ─ some in high places, as the economist Paul Fontaine ─ had declared beforehand that in the second round would be registered with Piñera. And then others followed suit, as the analyst Patricio Navia and junior members of his elite ideology.
That was a fact the cause: the so-called meo-Pinera, who in an arc that goes from ragtag Fontaine Max Marambio right to the left, privilege, at this juncture, to give a mortal blow to estimate the coalition rather than reviled prevent the triumph the employer Piñera. And with it the return of Pinochet evicted from La Moneda in 1990.
But the strategists of the UDI and RN knew that it was not enough to capture some pictures to close out victory marquismo who believe, rightly imminent but not certain. The bitter experience of Lavin, who lost to Lagos, in a tight competition for meager 30 000 votes were called to be cautious and not be swayed by the triumphalism.
What was the goal to achieve, then? Get at least 30% of the vote to Piñera pierce Framework as the Oracle of Delphi raised chilensis version, ie the CEP survey, by whose mouth the gods speak many believe, in November.
Or, more importantly, prevent, by all means at their disposal, 70% is passed on to Eduardo Frei.
As would be natural, on the other hand, it was, because with all the sharp criticism that Marcus has made Frei and the coalition, it obviously has more in common with it's ─ two, for example, are children of victims of dictatorship ─ that Piñera, who operated the crow's feet that appeared under his eyes but not his past support for Hernán Büchi, Pinochet's dolphin, and be enriched on the basis of what its supporters call "the military regime ".
In this business, to prevent the score from Marco Frei tipping to the right has had the enthusiastic support of some outdated maximalist call to vote no or abstain, given that the confrontation would be about a struggle between "leaders of the past", in which the revolutionary masses should not have to get involved, to the extent that this matter, mere power struggle between factions of the block bourgeois, not doing or they come.
Blindness guiding this analysis is clear, and you do not go to too many examples in history to discover where we can drive. Suffice to say that in Germany in the years after the Weimar Republic, the Communist Party, under the influence of the Comintern, he refused to ally with the Social Democrats to ─ they called "social" ─, which ultimately favored the triumph Hitler and Nazism.
Now, it's certainly not Hitler who is lurking, waiting to get to La Moneda, no longer pushed by the support of tanks or the Hawker Hunter, but a flurry of votes, but a cross between Berlusconi and Farkas, his Pepsodent smile, his white hair and finally assumed the overwhelming arrogance of the money.
But the result for the Chilean people can be the same: a historic and decisive kick in the hard-won social gains (being clear, moreover, there are still many more yet to be conquered ...) and a night of champagne and noise, followed by four years in office, for Longueira, the Washingtons, the Jarpa, the Cardemil and Allamand.
However, there is still time to reverse this catastrophic scenario. We must overcome the disappointment and step up efforts to block his path to the right. We must leave to make doors doors, virtual or real. And talk
especially young people, who have no direct experience of being governed by those who today gargle with the word "democracy" and even can recognize (they have no choice ...) "the good things that have made the coalition. " Although, of course, twenty years is too long. And now it's up to us ...
compadrito It should be, on the other hand, embedding daggers. The time will come for the analysis of things that did well and who did wrong. And also they be stopped. This is the time of the decisive battle, and no army will reinforce its moral, before entering the battlefield, if he sees his generals engaged in disputes untimely or throwing the weight of the blame for the mistakes of the past and present.
is time to close ranks. Grit your teeth and prepare for whatever.
is true that we will see some deserters still dodging the woods or jumping to the opposite field, guided by the smell of inveterate opportunists.
A writer over there who did not like the Embassy to which he was stationed. Another poet here, he got mad because you did not get the scholarship, which so frequently received in previous years. A former footballer, who jumped out of MIR to sympathize with the courtier Lavin, and then went straight to where they open the doors. An actor who was a symbol of No, and decided to cremate his life story for a pittance hypothetical ...
In all there in the vineyard of the Lord, and I, at this point, nothing surprised me. What I have clear is that in large joints is where you should not miss, and is where the man shows its fiber and its nerve.
we lose, of course, and statistics and political scientists will say: Did you see that it was true that "the insurmountable difference ...? But we can win, if some leaders of the progressive camp get batteries and, assuming their responsibilities, they decide to put the interests of Chile and its people above their personal interests.
And in that case, it would be nice pucha to spoil the party on the right ...!

If there is something which has been successful so far, pineapple command strategy for the runoff election January 17 is to install the image of a horse winning, advancing, unstoppable, to the goal. Because of this feeling of victory is that the right-wingers go through life happy, smiling from ear to ear, humming the jingle made version of " I mean, I love you " Quique Villanueva.
At first, of course, the accounts were not very happy. Or was it sweet and sour grapes, to qualify things.
is true that fourteen point lead in the runoff, the closest competitor represents a considerable difference. But it is also true that if you add up the votes of the three candidates who escorted Piñera (which are from the same ideological matrix in the broadest sense), it far exceeds ─ ─ 55.9% against the 44.05 percent achieved for the candidate of the Alliance, now renamed the Coalition for Change.
Now it is obvious that he could not pass the full flow rate obtained by Marco Enríquez-Ominami Eduardo Frei, as people in his command ─ some in high places, as the economist Paul Fontaine ─ had declared beforehand that in the second round would be registered with Piñera. And then others followed suit, as the analyst Patricio Navia and junior members of his elite ideology.
That was a fact the cause: the so-called meo-Pinera, who in an arc that goes from ragtag Fontaine Max Marambio right to the left, privilege, at this juncture, to give a mortal blow to estimate the coalition rather than reviled prevent the triumph the employer Piñera. And with it the return of Pinochet evicted from La Moneda in 1990.
But the strategists of the UDI and RN knew that it was not enough to capture some pictures to close out victory marquismo who believe, rightly imminent but not certain. The bitter experience of Lavin, who lost to Lagos, in a tight competition for meager 30 000 votes were called to be cautious and not be swayed by the triumphalism.
What was the goal to achieve, then? Get at least 30% of the vote to Piñera pierce Framework as the Oracle of Delphi raised chilensis version, ie the CEP survey, by whose mouth the gods speak many believe, in November.
Or, more importantly, prevent, by all means at their disposal, 70% is passed on to Eduardo Frei.
As would be natural, on the other hand, it was, because with all the sharp criticism that Marcus has made Frei and the coalition, it obviously has more in common with it's ─ two, for example, are children of victims of dictatorship ─ that Piñera, who operated the crow's feet that appeared under his eyes but not his past support for Hernán Büchi, Pinochet's dolphin, and be enriched on the basis of what its supporters call "the military regime ".
In this business, to prevent the score from Marco Frei tipping to the right has had the enthusiastic support of some outdated maximalist call to vote no or abstain, given that the confrontation would be about a struggle between "leaders of the past", in which the revolutionary masses should not have to get involved, to the extent that this matter, mere power struggle between factions of the block bourgeois, not doing or they come.
Blindness guiding this analysis is clear, and you do not go to too many examples in history to discover where we can drive. Suffice to say that in Germany in the years after the Weimar Republic, the Communist Party, under the influence of the Comintern, he refused to ally with the Social Democrats to ─ they called "social" ─, which ultimately favored the triumph Hitler and Nazism.
Now, it's certainly not Hitler who is lurking, waiting to get to La Moneda, no longer pushed by the support of tanks or the Hawker Hunter, but a flurry of votes, but a cross between Berlusconi and Farkas, his Pepsodent smile, his white hair and finally assumed the overwhelming arrogance of the money.
But the result for the Chilean people can be the same: a historic and decisive kick in the hard-won social gains (being clear, moreover, there are still many more yet to be conquered ...) and a night of champagne and noise, followed by four years in office, for Longueira, the Washingtons, the Jarpa, the Cardemil and Allamand.
However, there is still time to reverse this catastrophic scenario. We must overcome the disappointment and step up efforts to block his path to the right. We must leave to make doors doors, virtual or real. And talk
especially young people, who have no direct experience of being governed by those who today gargle with the word "democracy" and even can recognize (they have no choice ...) "the good things that have made the coalition. " Although, of course, twenty years is too long. And now it's up to us ...
compadrito It should be, on the other hand, embedding daggers. The time will come for the analysis of things that did well and who did wrong. And also they be stopped. This is the time of the decisive battle, and no army will reinforce its moral, before entering the battlefield, if he sees his generals engaged in disputes untimely or throwing the weight of the blame for the mistakes of the past and present.
is time to close ranks. Grit your teeth and prepare for whatever.
is true that we will see some deserters still dodging the woods or jumping to the opposite field, guided by the smell of inveterate opportunists.
A writer over there who did not like the Embassy to which he was stationed. Another poet here, he got mad because you did not get the scholarship, which so frequently received in previous years. A former footballer, who jumped out of MIR to sympathize with the courtier Lavin, and then went straight to where they open the doors. An actor who was a symbol of No, and decided to cremate his life story for a pittance hypothetical ...
In all there in the vineyard of the Lord, and I, at this point, nothing surprised me. What I have clear is that in large joints is where you should not miss, and is where the man shows its fiber and its nerve.
we lose, of course, and statistics and political scientists will say: Did you see that it was true that "the insurmountable difference ...? But we can win, if some leaders of the progressive camp get batteries and, assuming their responsibilities, they decide to put the interests of Chile and its people above their personal interests.
And in that case, it would be nice pucha to spoil the party on the right ...!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Cake Sayings For A Baptism
and silly tribute to Sandro de America ... Avanti
A girl and a guitar
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss .
always singing dancing I always wanted to die,
leave heaven on this earth
where I was born. I do not want
I cry when I go to eternity, I want to remember
as happiness itself;
because I will be in the air,
between the stones and the palm;
I'll be among the sand and the wind agitated sea.
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss me.
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss me.
I do not want to cry when I go
want to be remembered as the same happiness
because I will be in the air,
between the stones and palmar;
I'll be among the sand and the wind that shakes the sea.
were the 70's, and I was less foolish than I am now, remembering the beloved poet Rafael Alberti, who proclaimed that that "I was a fool, and life has made me two fools." Other
masturbatory exercises with those who wanted to affirm my identity uncertain, played guitar in a percussive enough to put it in a godly way, following the tablature chords that publishes "The Musiquero" or "Rhythm."
had long hair, obviously. He was very skinny. And smoked as a Chinese, within the possibilities of an Asian economic then and now could ever have.
My imaginary music was composed by Joan Manuel Serrat, Salvatore Adamo, The Cardigans, Rita Pavone and, of course, the Bohemian composer forged imposed by Oscar Anderle and some infamous record label and little lasting memory. Next came Patxi
Andino, La Nueva Trova, Mocedades, Paco Ibanez, the Italian San Remo Festival (especially the more rebellious they were a little beyond the claims of Rafaella Carrà: Lucio Dalla, Iva Zanichi, I Richi and I Poveri, people like that ...)
And the cry of the authentic rock began to shake the stage at rented tuxedos and sequined gowns.
Amid this constellation of provocations (The Doors, Procol Harum, Santana, and all the paraphernalia and panoply of Woodstock), Sandro was a singer Pasat, but with a higher level of recall that Palito Ortega, or any other of the members Club del Clan.
There was something authentic and powerful in the Creole Elvis Presley lips that made pheromones trigger storms passing through the scenarios, like Tom Jones, another phenomenon of nature.
say that even when I become old and sick, barely able to breathe, Sandro followed attracted the unconditional love of her "girls", and somewhat aged.
I take my hat off to result in love and youthful passions, so little persistent in postmodern times, when all that is solid melts into air as if by magic.
So again my homage to this neighborhood boy who had to build high walls around his home in Banfield for protection from the hurricane of hormones that triggered their frenzied dancing and immortal.
A girl and a guitar
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss .
always singing dancing I always wanted to die,
leave heaven on this earth
where I was born. I do not want
I cry when I go to eternity, I want to remember
as happiness itself;
because I will be in the air,
between the stones and the palm;
I'll be among the sand and the wind agitated sea.
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss me.
A girl and a guitar to sing
these are things in this life
never have to miss me.
I do not want to cry when I go
want to be remembered as the same happiness
because I will be in the air,
between the stones and palmar;
I'll be among the sand and the wind that shakes the sea.
were the 70's, and I was less foolish than I am now, remembering the beloved poet Rafael Alberti, who proclaimed that that "I was a fool, and life has made me two fools." Other
masturbatory exercises with those who wanted to affirm my identity uncertain, played guitar in a percussive enough to put it in a godly way, following the tablature chords that publishes "The Musiquero" or "Rhythm."
had long hair, obviously. He was very skinny. And smoked as a Chinese, within the possibilities of an Asian economic then and now could ever have.
My imaginary music was composed by Joan Manuel Serrat, Salvatore Adamo, The Cardigans, Rita Pavone and, of course, the Bohemian composer forged imposed by Oscar Anderle and some infamous record label and little lasting memory. Next came Patxi
Andino, La Nueva Trova, Mocedades, Paco Ibanez, the Italian San Remo Festival (especially the more rebellious they were a little beyond the claims of Rafaella Carrà: Lucio Dalla, Iva Zanichi, I Richi and I Poveri, people like that ...)
And the cry of the authentic rock began to shake the stage at rented tuxedos and sequined gowns.
Amid this constellation of provocations (The Doors, Procol Harum, Santana, and all the paraphernalia and panoply of Woodstock), Sandro was a singer Pasat, but with a higher level of recall that Palito Ortega, or any other of the members Club del Clan.
There was something authentic and powerful in the Creole Elvis Presley lips that made pheromones trigger storms passing through the scenarios, like Tom Jones, another phenomenon of nature.
say that even when I become old and sick, barely able to breathe, Sandro followed attracted the unconditional love of her "girls", and somewhat aged.
I take my hat off to result in love and youthful passions, so little persistent in postmodern times, when all that is solid melts into air as if by magic.
So again my homage to this neighborhood boy who had to build high walls around his home in Banfield for protection from the hurricane of hormones that triggered their frenzied dancing and immortal.
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