Million Friends A museum
If there is a look at the media lot or on Hispanic resonance in the middle, you understand magazines, supplements, blogs that are part of the magazines or newspapers., We see that, as far as literature concerns, there is no controversy among the writers under fifty. Accurate: Yes there are, in the case of clashes between writers from the same country. It comes to mind occurred in Argentina between Damian and Guillermo Martínez-Tabarovsky actually involves many more-recent or purpose of a review of Patrick Pron. I could mention the case of Peru and mind controversy between "natives" and "Andean" (can not remember who said that he detested the use of these quotes "Fuck-), but escapes my generational framework, as most of those who fought because they had been doing for a lifetime. Actually I mean the absence of discussions between writers of different nationalities. Eye do not ask fights and insults among writers. So do not get anywhere. I'm talking about ideas, which means that does not break a friendship, if any, with whom polemic. If anyone can be, and are, friends, great. But it's my attention that there is only friendship. Does this century has filled us with kindness? Will the old song Roberto Carlos, que curiosamente escuchábamos de pequeños, al fin se hizo carne? No se puede negar que todo esto es muy sospechoso. Si tentamos algunas respuestas, quizás podamos decir que hemos llegado a tal grado de individualismo, que éste nos permite avivar amistades (y amores), pero no confrontar ideas más allá de nuestras fronteras. Es decir, muy en el fondo probablemente no nos interesa gran cosa qué pasa fuera de nuestra casa, de nosotros mismos. Conocer al vecino, saludarlo a diario, no nos hace verdaderos amigos. Sin ir muy lejos, echen una mirada a su lista de “amigos” en facebook. Lo otro es que tengamos muy en claro las ideas sobre la literatura y América latina, y estemos todos de acuerdo, pero I do not think that is the case. It may also be that nobody wants to argue because there is simply not sustainable any idea or proposal worth putting in debate. But I do not think that this alternative is the answer. Finally, until you contemplate other possibilities may be that the debates are no longer in these mainstream media, which have been diluted coffee chats in bars, in university classrooms, in private emails, etc. Someone might say that the space now for these purposes are blogs of anonymous and well known. Maybe, but I think that way, like shots from different trenches, can make us lose sight of who and why discussion. For that, I million stay with my friends.
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