If there is something which has been successful so far, pineapple command strategy for the runoff election January 17 is to install the image of a horse winning, advancing, unstoppable, to the goal. Because of this feeling of victory is that the right-wingers go through life happy, smiling from ear to ear, humming the jingle made version of " I mean, I love you " Quique Villanueva.
At first, of course, the accounts were not very happy. Or was it sweet and sour grapes, to qualify things.
is true that fourteen point lead in the runoff, the closest competitor represents a considerable difference. But it is also true that if you add up the votes of the three candidates who escorted Piñera (which are from the same ideological matrix in the broadest sense), it far exceeds ─ ─ 55.9% against the 44.05 percent achieved for the candidate of the Alliance, now renamed the Coalition for Change.
Now it is obvious that he could not pass the full flow rate obtained by Marco Enríquez-Ominami Eduardo Frei, as people in his command ─ some in high places, as the economist Paul Fontaine ─ had declared beforehand that in the second round would be registered with Piñera. And then others followed suit, as the analyst Patricio Navia and junior members of his elite ideology.
That was a fact the cause: the so-called meo-Pinera, who in an arc that goes from ragtag Fontaine Max Marambio right to the left, privilege, at this juncture, to give a mortal blow to estimate the coalition rather than reviled prevent the triumph the employer Piñera. And with it the return of Pinochet evicted from La Moneda in 1990.
But the strategists of the UDI and RN knew that it was not enough to capture some pictures to close out victory marquismo who believe, rightly imminent but not certain. The bitter experience of Lavin, who lost to Lagos, in a tight competition for meager 30 000 votes were called to be cautious and not be swayed by the triumphalism.
What was the goal to achieve, then? Get at least 30% of the vote to Piñera pierce Framework as the Oracle of Delphi raised chilensis version, ie the CEP survey, by whose mouth the gods speak many believe, in November.
Or, more importantly, prevent, by all means at their disposal, 70% is passed on to Eduardo Frei.
As would be natural, on the other hand, it was, because with all the sharp criticism that Marcus has made Frei and the coalition, it obviously has more in common with it's ─ two, for example, are children of victims of dictatorship ─ that Piñera, who operated the crow's feet that appeared under his eyes but not his past support for Hernán Büchi, Pinochet's dolphin, and be enriched on the basis of what its supporters call "the military regime ".
In this business, to prevent the score from Marco Frei tipping to the right has had the enthusiastic support of some outdated maximalist call to vote no or abstain, given that the confrontation would be about a struggle between "leaders of the past", in which the revolutionary masses should not have to get involved, to the extent that this matter, mere power struggle between factions of the block bourgeois, not doing or they come.
Blindness guiding this analysis is clear, and you do not go to too many examples in history to discover where we can drive. Suffice to say that in Germany in the years after the Weimar Republic, the Communist Party, under the influence of the Comintern, he refused to ally with the Social Democrats to ─ they called "social" ─, which ultimately favored the triumph Hitler and Nazism.
Now, it's certainly not Hitler who is lurking, waiting to get to La Moneda, no longer pushed by the support of tanks or the Hawker Hunter, but a flurry of votes, but a cross between Berlusconi and Farkas, his Pepsodent smile, his white hair and finally assumed the overwhelming arrogance of the money.
But the result for the Chilean people can be the same: a historic and decisive kick in the hard-won social gains (being clear, moreover, there are still many more yet to be conquered ...) and a night of champagne and noise, followed by four years in office, for Longueira, the Washingtons, the Jarpa, the Cardemil and Allamand.
However, there is still time to reverse this catastrophic scenario. We must overcome the disappointment and step up efforts to block his path to the right. We must leave to make doors doors, virtual or real. And talk
especially young people, who have no direct experience of being governed by those who today gargle with the word "democracy" and even can recognize (they have no choice ...) "the good things that have made the coalition. " Although, of course, twenty years is too long. And now it's up to us ...
compadrito It should be, on the other hand, embedding daggers. The time will come for the analysis of things that did well and who did wrong. And also they be stopped. This is the time of the decisive battle, and no army will reinforce its moral, before entering the battlefield, if he sees his generals engaged in disputes untimely or throwing the weight of the blame for the mistakes of the past and present.
is time to close ranks. Grit your teeth and prepare for whatever.
is true that we will see some deserters still dodging the woods or jumping to the opposite field, guided by the smell of inveterate opportunists.
A writer over there who did not like the Embassy to which he was stationed. Another poet here, he got mad because you did not get the scholarship, which so frequently received in previous years. A former footballer, who jumped out of MIR to sympathize with the courtier Lavin, and then went straight to where they open the doors. An actor who was a symbol of No, and decided to cremate his life story for a pittance hypothetical ...
In all there in the vineyard of the Lord, and I, at this point, nothing surprised me. What I have clear is that in large joints is where you should not miss, and is where the man shows its fiber and its nerve.
we lose, of course, and statistics and political scientists will say: Did you see that it was true that "the insurmountable difference ...? But we can win, if some leaders of the progressive camp get batteries and, assuming their responsibilities, they decide to put the interests of Chile and its people above their personal interests.
And in that case, it would be nice pucha to spoil the party on the right ...!
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