Monday, April 11, 2011

Spanish Flea Uk Tv Theme


compensation schemes for occupational accidents are based on strict liability and they only required the worker to complete an application form estab-lished and proves that the injury or disability is "related work", according to the definition of this concept in the law governing system in the country. Necessary financial resources are derived from funds set up by an official body. These funds are fed by taxes paid by enterprises, compulsory insurance schemes financed by contributions paid by them, or by other systems that combine both methods to varying degrees. The structure and operation of systems for compensation for accidents at work are discussed in depth in the chapter by Ison.
Despite some gaps and weaknesses that justified various legislative and regulatory changes over the last century, systems of compensation for accidents at work have played pretty good job of meeting the needs of injured workers in the course of their work. In principle, protection is focused on the accidents (ie, unforeseen events that occurred in the job or workplace), which are easier to diagnose than diseases. The immediacy of the causal relationship between the incident and the injury makes a greater or lesser extent the association between it and the workplace, in the framework of legal rules and regulations. Therefore, insurance organizations have tried to develop, with varying success, an epidemiology of accidents in defining the categories of people, jobs and working circumstances associated with certain types of injury. This has led to the development of a major security industry, dedicated to the study of various types of injuries at work and the design of prevention. It has forced companies to implement these systems for prevention, hoping to save the heavy costs incurred by preventable accidents. These costs are represented on the disruption caused by the more work, temporary or permanent loss of productive workers and increasing spiral of taxes and insurance premiums paid to finance the compensation schemes for occupational accidents. Another contributing factor to the process was the enactment in many countries, legislation on health and safety at work, which requires companies to take effective measures to prevent accidents, inspection systems supported centers work and the imposition of various penalties for offenders.


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