same time, other factors have forced a reassessment of the best methods to meet the needs of workers in the field of health protection. Access a greater number of women to all kinds of jobs has exhibited many occupational hazards that previously affected only men, while the growing knowledge of their vulnerability regarding reproductive injuries and other injuries related to occupational exposure indicates the need to conduct global health policy. Other factors also influence the direction of policies related to employment, some of which are the demand for gender equality and the fact that women toiling longer and in more types of work. As a result, the current trend is to offer men and women a greater number of possibilities relating to various aspects of family and employment: more men have chosen to participate in the care of young children, more women are the main income earners and more workers of both sexes seeking more flexibility to organize their work and family life. These factors reinforce the tendency to offer benefits to both men and women to meet foreseeable needs associated with various family welfare, such as those relating to reproductive health, pregnancy, temporary disability, childbirth and childcare and people of advanced age. For example, the Convention on Workers with Family Responsibilities, 1981 (No. 156), applies equally to men and women. In addition, in France, Germany, Belgium, Denmark and Greece are granted various forms of parental leave to meet various family needs. However, the benefits for men still do not equal maternity (Dumon 1990). Instead of excluding workers considered sensitive to the effects of certain toxic, have banned some toxic substances affecting reproduction and others are strictly regulated to prevent damage to reproduction, reducing exposure to both sexes. The option of moving men and women exposed to workplace hazards that threaten their reproductive function has been adopted in several countries including the United States in the case of workers exposed to lead. Similarly, several countries offer parental leave that gives parents greater freedom to care for their young children.
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